
Thu 06.06.2024 | 7 pm - 9 pm

Movie Night

Sophia Eisenhut & Max Eulitz, Laxlan Petras, Frances Scholz, Mark von Schlegell


Scherben presents video works by the artists Sophia Eisenhut & Max Eulitz, Laxlan Petras, Frances Scholz and Mark von Schlegell. The films will be shown at Kunsthaus KuLe. 

The film ‘Das Boot’ by Sophia Eisenhut & Max Eulitz, which was shot in a submarine, deals with the tragedy of Jenny Böken, a medical officer trainee who went overboard in an unexplained manner. With references to Greek drama, the film touches on themes such as femicide, Germany's relationship to its own military and the mental illness of psychosis. 

Laxlan Petra's video work ‘The Encyclopedia of Intimate Life’ combines text and images from two books, ‘The Encyclopedia of Intimate Life’ (1967) and images from ‘Kama Sutra’ (both authors unknown), books that were borrowed from the antiquarian Bookvica collection (Moscow/Tblisi). Both books originate from the former Soviet Union and deal with sexual practices. Through Petra's collage-like composition, the work deals with ideas of political utopias and the influence of ideological systems, even in the most private and intimate moments.

‘My Dinner With Merlin’ by Frances Scholz and Mark von Schlegell is an experimental documentary film that explores the King Arthur myths and their contemporary life in Western culture. Amidst re-enactments of the Arthurian legends and their original Celtic stories, cultural critic and author Norman M. Klein discusses the strange persistence of the stories and their connection to the general crisis of meaning that can be observed in postmodern consumer culture. Overall, the film ‘deconstructs’ the apparent solidity of the Arthurian myth by exposing the Oedipal fractures and ‘presence of absence’ of its pre-Christian, Celtic roots - as well as its living presence in Los Angeles today.

This will be followed by a public conversation between the artists and Lorenz Liebig (Scherben).


Scherben is an exhibition space in Berlin, located in a former GDR building complex on Leipziger Straße in Mitte. It was founded in 2021 and shows contemporary art by international artists. As a non-profit art association, Scherben initiates the promotion, public presentation and mediation of relevant artistic approaches. In its exhibition practice, Scherben brings young and established positions into exchange and thus tries to find new aesthetic forms of criticism and beauty. In addition to the exhibition programme in Berlin, Scherben also curates exhibitions and events internationally in cooperation with other institutions.

Founding year: 2021

Kunsthaus KuLe
Auguststraße 10, 10117 Berlin, Berlin-Mitte

Seating: There are plenty of chairs available.

Age groups: Suitable for 14+

Languages: English, A program text with a summary of the work is available in German.

Wheelchair users / Buggies: The venue is on the first floor, but there is a step to cross. There will be people there who will be happy to help you overcome the step.

Toilet: Wheelchair accessible

Hearing impaired / Deaf people: Not suitable for deaf people. The films are played on a good sound system and the talk takes place in a space with good acoustics, but without microphones.

Neurodiversity: -

Blind people: Not suitable